Shippers. We aren't really X-Files fans. We're obsessed with the ruination of The Show. We see The Show as another 'Moonlighting'. We're nothing but drooling maniacs with no lives.

(image by Anne Haynes)


What are we then? I'll tell you. We are, simply put, X-Philes who want Mulder and Scully to have a relationship. We watch the show and we realize that "Keep going, FBI woman," is not a 'fraternal' or 'platonic' comment. And besides this, we are people who are constantly being roasted, fried, and flamed for expressing our opinion. Well, guess what. We're not overburdened with angst just because some ignorant adolescent doesn't like our ideas. Believe it or not, we're not groaning under the burdensome yoke of ostracism. We really don't care what you think of us.

Now to the point of this page. I am a shipper who happens to also listen to Sarah McLachlan, and I believe her songs express the Mulder/Scully relationship perfectly. Therefore, this page is hereby entitled the home ground for


Logo by Quietsiren


Who am I, then, to lead this admittedly small organization of True Believers? I am the KudzuWolf, but members can call me Wolfie. I'm a member of XFR, SPCDD, XPRA, MAPS, PGTF, RBB/ITWA, Wav Manglers, Fruit Salad, and OBSSE.
Incidentally, I also haven't been updating the page since early '99 or so. But I'm more or less back now, so you can try emailing me again to become a member. Join us in our quest to define the Mulder/Scully relationship! E-mail me and include the following:
*your membername
*any ideas for the homepage
*your official title. The title can be anything having to do with Sarah or the X-Files...for example, a title could be 'High Priestess of the Surfacing CD', or 'Protector of the MulderGlasses'...just anything you want.

I'm working on the first 'dissertation', as it were, of Sarah's songs right now. Go here to read my thoughts on how 'Good Enough' symbolizes the Mulder/Scully relationship.
To see our members and their respective titles, go here. This page will be updated as soon as I get new members and/or people's titles.
Go here to see what I think of Sarah's Grammys...and other achievements...and click the Surfacing cover to see the commendations page.
And, if you're interested in linking to this page, go here.

Ah, Possession. We SarahMcers have a rather love/hate relationship with that particular song. Go here to see what I think about it.

This humble page has been graced by the presence of SarahMcers since February 6, 1998.


the Root Beer Boycotters/Iced Tea Worshippers Association

(our sister site)


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